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Social Security Consulting for Individuals and Legal Entities


Social security is a factor that the entrepreneur cannot leave to second or third plan. Paying under the maximum social security ceiling is ideal for retirement benefits and/or separation from the company. We offer retirement value analysis with technical criteria.

Ascertaining the condition of the payroll in light of social security obligations is extremely important, especially for companies that participate in public tenders. Our focus is to offer preventive pension consultancy!


Each person has a unique pension situation. Our consultancies are fully personalized to meet your specific needs. We do not believe in generic solutions, but rather in offering a service that will exclusively meet your needs.

We carry out a thorough analysis of your current and future situation (based on what you have built so far). Investigating all possibilities to ensure you are making the right decisions for your financial future.

With our specialized knowledge, we help you maximize your pension benefits and avoid costly mistakes that could negatively affect your wealth. Our goal is to save you money. When you choose our pension planning consultancy, you will have peace of mind knowing that you are making informed, technical and strategic decisions for your future.

João Carlos Martins Consulting
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